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Press Release

Foundation: new Governance

Alessandra Fazio is the newly elected President of the Italian Packaging Institute for the two-year period 2022-2024, voted unanimously during the Shareholders' Meeting, which was held today in Venice. Alessandra Fazio holds the position of Head of Quality in Nestlé Italiana, to which she lands, after a path of increasing responsibility in multinational food companies, which began in the world of converters. In the plan of proposals for the two-year presidency, in first place she appointed two Vice Presidents she wanted at her side, as an added value for skills and experience: Chiara Faenza - Responsible for Sustainability and Values ​​Innovation | CSR Manager COOP Italia and Osvaldo Bosetti - Group Industrial Europe Packaging Director and CEO | Goglio North Europe.
Press Review

Foundation: May 2022 Events

May is a month full of events for the Italian Packaging Institute and for the Packaging Ethical Charter Foundation, which aims to disseminate the 10 principles enunciated by the Ethical Packaging Charter, and to stimulate visions and reflections around the ethical design of packaging and a new business culture.
Press Review

Packaging and Ethics, an extraordinary combination

It took Anna Paola... that Anna Paola Cavanna who, after having renewed and revitalised the Italian Packaging Institute, in her second term as President wanted to make the Ethical Packaging Charter Foundation project a reality, with enthusiasm and courage. Here is what has happened, what is about to happen and, rest assured, will happen.
Press Review

“Promoters of beauty”

The Ethical Packaging Charter Foundation seeks 'ambassadors': companies and entrepreneurs who wish to spread the culture of packaging according to the Ethical Packaging Charter, with the aim of making businesses, technologies and professionalism of the supply chain attractive and enhancing the functional beauty of packaging.

By Giusy Chiricosta

Giusy Chiricosta – Regulatory Affairs Consulting, a professional freelancer who helps to design, produce and use packaging, products and substances in an informed way. She carries out her technical-legislative consultancy and training activities in public and private contexts, bodies, institutes, companies, professional firms and sector associations. Main consultancy areas: – Discipline of Materials in Contact with Food (EU markets, America – Asia and other international areas) – Discipline of Safety of Chemical Substances EU – (Reach and CLP) – USA – Canada – Mercosur – Asia – Environment (Packaging and Packaging Waste – Environmental Labelling – Single Use Plastics (EU markets, America – Asia and other international areas) – Food Safety (EU standards) – Cosmetics (EU standards) – Pharmaceutical (EU Pharmacopoeia) – Integrated Quality Systems (ISO 9000 – ISO 22000 – BRC – etc.) – Management Consulting and Product Development.

Packaging Academy

UCSI University, Malaysa

UCSI University, with its Bachelor degree in Packaging Science and Technology, aims to provide the technical knowledge needed to work in the fields of design and creation of packaging products, as well as researching and solving recurrent issues in this industry.
Packaging Academy

University of Salerno

The Master (MATESPACK) active at University of Salerno aims to enchance the abilities of professionals working in private manifacturing and in packaging industry services, as well as strenghtening their consultancy and entrepreneurial skills.
Packaging Academy

Lund Univeristy, Sweden

In the 1980s, the University of Lund realized that it was necessary to invest in education and research in the packaging area. For this reason, an additional chair has been established. Today the university offers various degrees, courses and masters in the field of packaging.
Packaging Academy

ESEPAC, France

Born in 1991 thanks to the initiative of the Haute-Loire CCI, the University of Clermont Auvergne to meet the needs of plastics companies in the Haute-Loire, Esepac has become a leader in packaging education in France.