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2021 is about to end and the Ethical Packaging Charter Foundation formalizes the first list of its Ambassadors: Acimga, Cavanna, Cellografica Gerosa, COOP, Contital, Corapack, Laminati Cavanna, Nordmeccanica Group, Pack Media, SDR Pack, Warrant Hub.

December 1st 2021

A network intended to grow and which, right from its birth, expresses the representation of the packaging supply chain. From manufacturers of packaging machines, printing and converting, to packaging producers, from converters to retailers, from publishers to subsidised finance consultants: the commitment is to be promoters and spokespersons of a packaging system culture for a more ethical, sustainable and conscious future through concrete initiatives and actions.

“After the launch of our “Become an Ambassador” campaign, many companies have already decided, and many others are about to do so, to subscribe to the 10 values of the Ethical Charter to give life to this community, showing a virtuous and innovative model”, comments the President of the Foundation, Anna Paola Cavanna.

More generally, the Foundation closes a year full of activities. In the training field, collaborations have been started and patronage granted to:
– the first Advanced Training Course (CAF) in Packaging Management in collaboration with the university La Sapienza of Rome;
– the 1st level Master in Eco Packaging Design – Systemic Innovation Design for the Packaging Project, Turin Polytechnic;
– the professional training course in “Diseño para la Innovación Ética del Packaging”, Catholic University of Santiago, Chile.
To decline “the ideal with the real”, the Foundation sponsored the 2021 edition of the Best Packaging contest based on the 10 values of the Ethical Charter and will patronise also the 2022 edition with the special “ethics” prize.
“Our mission is and will be to promote a positive, ethical and sustainable culture of packaging with concrete initiatives”, concludes Cavanna.