Ambassadors become spokespersons and promoters of a "system culture" of packaging for an ethical and conscious future
The title of Ambassador

The title of Ambassador is represented by the brand granted by the Foundation, as a certification of the sharing of the values of the Charter according to the methods and instructions of the Regulation mentioned below.
Why become an Ambassador?
To promote a new ethical and sustainable business culture! To create a sound community with which we can build something big and ambitious in accordance with the goals of the Ethical Packaging Charter Foundation.
Who can become Ambassador?
Companies, enterprises, bodies, associations, consortiums, foundations that for any reason whatsoever are active in the manufacturing and distribution market of raw materials for the packaging industry, in the manufacturing or distribution of packaging, which use packaging or deal with its reuse or recycle or processing, or which carry out service activities for the packaging industry, even post-consumer ones.
Founding values to become Ambassador
[1. responsible
[2. balanced
[3. safe
[4. accessible
[5. transparent
[6. informative
[7. up-to-date
[8. forward-looking
[9. educative
[10. sustainable
Ambassador undertake to operate in compliance with the ten points of the Charter, to spread them as appropriate, to promote its values and contents. The Ambassador brand granted by the Foundation means sharing the values of the Ethical Packaging Charter.
The Ethical Packaging Charter reminds us that, while respecting everyone’s role, it is essential to put the consumer at the centre: we know that the consumer uses the packaging as a tool, and he uses its information, he is the user of the service provided by the item, and the interpreter of the packaging as cultural and social object. .
Ambassadors undertake to share the values to design, manufacture, use, provide services for the packaging industry in a responsible way, with a view to reaching the goals of the Ethical Packaging Charter!
Packaging, an essential but sometimes not understood object, is currently going through a stage of complete maturity. As such, it requires a shared reflective journey to allow its growth in compliance with the needs of the consumer, the user, the environment, and the society.
The Ethical Packaging Charter therefore intends to be a tool for thought and commitment, around which to converge.
Ambassadors are the spokesmen and promoters of a “system culture” towards a more responsible future, while binding together obligations and rights that join production with use and consumption. They are individuals who are bearers of obligations and individuals who benefit from rights and expectations.
Our Ambassadors
"Acimga, representing the technology manufacturing companies, believes it is important to talk to the whole community that makes packaging a real communication tool, giving value to the product through an ethical and sustainable approach".
"The challenges of the future of packaging are different. The Italian business operator food contact expert association (aibo fce) wants to make a human and scientific contribution to the Ethical Packaging Charter".
"Since 1989 we have been offering High-Tech solutions to guarantee product and packaging quality, a fundamental combination for consumer satisfaction, that is, each of us!
We share values and objectives for the safety, accessibility, transparency, sustainability of packaging as a means of preservation, transport and communication."
We share values and objectives for the safety, accessibility, transparency, sustainability of packaging as a means of preservation, transport and communication."
"It is essential for us to continue to convey to our member companies - the box factories - the culture of ethics, responsibility and sustainability. We are happy to be part of the Foundation and we will bring our contribution with enthusiasm and energy".
"Becoming ambassadors of the Foundation represents a "far-sighted" choice for BDO, thinking that regulatory and technical knowledge of packaging is a value to be shared with its collaborators and customers, thus contributing to creating and spreading a central packaging culture in all production and commercial chains.."
"Joining the Packaging Ethical Charter Foundation consolidates an orientation towards the principles that guide us in our innovation strategy by placing the values of Charter at the center of development for the market, for consumers and for the environment".
"We have been playing with paper since 1969, making it of all colors, always respecting the green.
We share the values of the Ethical Packaging Charter Foundation, perfectly in line with our corporate vision: “To become a point of reference in innovative paper converting solutions, developing products and services with high added value, in absolute synergy with customers. Building a sustainable future, together.” An important step awaits us: from paper converting to paper ethics, for the good of all.".
We share the values of the Ethical Packaging Charter Foundation, perfectly in line with our corporate vision: “To become a point of reference in innovative paper converting solutions, developing products and services with high added value, in absolute synergy with customers. Building a sustainable future, together.” An important step awaits us: from paper converting to paper ethics, for the good of all.".
"As one of the main players in the aluminum packaging sector, we have decided to be ambassadors of the Packaging Ethical Charter, to confirm ourselves every day as spokespersons and promoters of a system culture that believes in our own values. We actively participate in the creation of an increasingly sustainable, ethical and aware future in respect of consumers and workers of the entire supply chain."
“CM fully shares the Foundation's Ethics Charter. Our purpose is to be a reference model in the way of doing business, create value over time, contribute to transmitting the culture of change. The Foundation is the partner to implement this objective."
"We believe that packaging is a key element and as such, requires a shared path with the supply chain, to allow its evolution respecting the needs of the consumer, the user, the environment and society. As manufacturers of food packaging we have a responsibility to ensure its compliance and safety from design to end of life, with a far-sighted outlook and capable of grasping all the challenges of the new circular economy in advance ".
"Becoming Ambassadors of the Packaging Ethical Charter means sharing common ideals by providing our contribution to the creation of packaging which, safeguarding the needs of producers and consumers, is also respectful of the environment and society".
"In line with Coop's values, we have become Ambassadors of the Ethical Packaging Charter by sharing its contents. We will be spokespersons and promoters of the packaging industry culture for a more ethical, sustainable and conscious future through concrete initiatives and actions".
"Creating a bridge, based on the same principles, between those who produce and those who consume is essential to ensure the implementation of sustainable and ethical development, through packaging that is aware of its social and environmental impact".
"Our membership of the Foundation is first and foremost a sign of the passion that unites us with materials and products, whose process of verifying functionality, safety and sustainability allows us to go beyond the technical.".
“Doing Business is a mission, being Sustainable is now a necessity, being Ethical is a difficult choice but it is the result of ancient teachings and the will to set an example for the future. It means being a Person before being a Company or a Product”.
“Being Ambassadors of the Packaging Ethical Charter Foundation is a source of prestige and pride for Di Mauro.
With this important recognition, we gather the fruits of the work done over the years to build an ethical and sustainable business culture.”
With this important recognition, we gather the fruits of the work done over the years to build an ethical and sustainable business culture.”
"We have been sharing the values of the Ethical Packaging Charter since 1929, the year our company was founded. Our products are the result of collaboration between people and respect for the environment, the territory and the community."
“We decided to become Ambassadors of the Ethical Packaging Charter Foundation in order to contribute with concrete actions to building a more ethical and conscious future, in which sustainable packaging will be the bedrock for greater attention to the environment.”
“Ambassadors because everything that is ethically sustainable is the future.
Ambassadors because everything we are able to renew is sustainable.
Ambassadors because for us renewing means doing research and working to protect the product, the consumer and the environment by guaranteeing a second life to the packaging, identical to the first (bottle to bottle).”
Ambassadors because everything we are able to renew is sustainable.
Ambassadors because for us renewing means doing research and working to protect the product, the consumer and the environment by guaranteeing a second life to the packaging, identical to the first (bottle to bottle).”
"We are committed day after day to build an increasingly solid and strong sustainability path, acquiring new systems, approaches and methods, expanding our portfolio with ethical products and innovative solutions, to give life to the packaging of the future".
“Packaging is a necessity and not a luxury, a misunderstanding to think of getting rid of it completely. And sustainability cannot be a one-way street. For this reason Giflex, representing the producers of flexible packaging, has decided to become Ambassador of the Ethical Packaging Charter. Today it is more important than ever to get out of the bubble to create a new business culture because attention to the consumer is important to us.”
“What better Ambassador than a label to communicate the value of the product and its packaging? In line with the value 06. Informative of the Ethical Packaging Charter, it guarantees the best, seful and necessary information in compliance with the legislation; it contains all the useful information regarding its content and its packaging, their use and disposal.”
“Being Ambassadors is a natural choice for us, in continuity with our corporate principles.
We share the 10 values of the Ethical Charter that guide us in our activity and in the goal of offering valuable, sustainable, responsible and safe packaging, projected towards the future”.
We share the 10 values of the Ethical Charter that guide us in our activity and in the goal of offering valuable, sustainable, responsible and safe packaging, projected towards the future”.
“Our company firmly believes in the importance of adopting eco-sustainable practices and raising awareness among both our employees and our customers towards a responsible approach towards the environment. Being part of a community that shares the same ethical values allows us to learn from each other to create an even greater impact in the packaging industry. We are excited to make a difference as ambassadors and help build a greener, more planet-friendly future."
“Becoming ambassadors for us means carrying forward values in which we strongly believe. We want to intensify the corporate culture of product ethics: from conception to design, from purchases of raw materials to the final production phases."
“The well-being of people and the territory can only be achieved by adopting behaviors and processes that are attentive to sustainability. Joining organizations that share this vision makes the task easier, gives greater strength to the message we want to convey and helps to obtain concrete results."
“Have the opportunity to connect with other influential people in the field of ethics and social responsibility and be a pioneer in the medical-scientific publishing sector as an Ambassador of the Carta Etica del Packaging Foundation."
“During the 2015 edition, IPACK-IMA hosted the birth and presentation to the market of the Packaging Ethical Charter.
Designing, producing and using packaging in an aware way are the values at the basis of the Packaging Ethical Charter: a shared vision of which IPACK-IMA wishes to be the spokesperson and promoter.”
Designing, producing and using packaging in an aware way are the values at the basis of the Packaging Ethical Charter: a shared vision of which IPACK-IMA wishes to be the spokesperson and promoter.”
“Becoming an Ambassador of Packaging Ethical Charter Foundation represents for IRPLAST the opportunity to share knowledge, teachings and best practices, to encourage the transition to the circular economy”.
“The Italian Packaging Institute was the promoter of the Packaging Ethical Charter Foundation, creating an inseparable link of intent between the two organizations, which takes the form of joint and synergistic actions aimed at achieving the 10 values of the Packaging Ethical Charter”.
"We chose to become Ambassadors because we are the “packaging”… designers, producers, users, distributors, communicators, buyers… and it will be better if together we know how to share a project that has respect for people as its main value".
“We believe that a packaging, to be defined ethical and sustainable, must be created on balance, transparency and information. It must be accessible, responsible and balanced without neglecting safety and contemporaneity. We share the 10 values of the Ethical Charter and we base our daily work in the company on the positive culture of packaging in respect of products, consumers and the environment”.
"We are committed every day to creating safe and compliant eco-sustainable packaging and exhibition displays, through continuous research and design of solutions that minimize our environmental impact and at the same time are able to enhance human resources. We recognize ourselves in the values of the Packaging Ethics Charter and we are proud to be able to share its contents to create culture and greater awareness."
"Lucy Plast consciously chooses to be Ambassador of the Ethical Packaging Charter to give continuity to its values and to disseminate the importance of packaging enhancement, intended as an asset for the protection of essential and daily use products and as an educational vehicle for dissemination of the Circular Economy. Lucy Plast recognizes that packaging is not waste but a resource that can be recovered indefinitely if handled correctly."
"We believe in spreading greater awareness of the impact of packaging as a tool of general culture and we aim to be ambassadors of a network of virtuous companies to create a profitable exchange on sustainable business."
"We have chosen to become Ambassadors of the Carta Etica del Packaging Foundation to support sustainable innovation and contribute to a greener future for the next generations."
"Nestlé aims for 100% recyclable or reusable packaging by 2025. Being Ambassadors of the Ethical Packaging Charter Foundation means strengthening the commitment to collaborate with the supply chain to achieve this ambitious goal together."
"We have chosen to become Ambassadors because the business culture cannot be separated from qualified training that prepares operators in the industry. The goal is to train adequate skills capable of responding to the real and concrete needs of the supply chain.".
"With the Foundation we share the awareness that the widespread diffusion of packaging is a responsibility and a possibility: entering people's homes, everyday life and ideas requires a conscience and shared principles."
"We firmly believe that evolution in Packaging is possible through a sustainable approach, by the entire supply chain. In P.E. Labellers we have always been oriented towards Green Technology: we are very proud to have received the title of Ambassadors."
"We are committed to continuously improving packaging in terms of sustainability and safety. We share the values of the Ethical Charter to responsibly design the packaging of the present and future. We combine quality and performance to create new opportunities with the foundations of a circular economy."
"Poplast, in the spirit that has always inspired and distinguished it throughout its growth path, has deemed it inevitable and natural to be the ambassador of the Ethical Packaging Charter. In carrying out this important role, maximum attention is and will be in the development of solutions aimed at ensuring that flexible packaging in the future is increasingly green and compatible with our beloved planet. With these assumptions, and strengthened by these values, Poplast will work to transfer the concepts and philosophy of the Charter to its customers and their consumers, to all the interlocutors to whom it will address."
"For us at RAJA, being ambassadors of the Carta Etica del Packaging Foundation means consolidating our commitment and creating synergies with the supply chain to promote sustainable and ethical packaging consumption."
"For over 25 years RICREA has been committed to promoting and facilitating the collection and ensuring the recycling of steel packaging such as cans, jars, drums, spray cans, tin and crown caps. An ethical and sustainable mission, because it is a metal that can be recycled 100% and infinitely.."
Sapici, part of the Sun Chemical group, has chosen to join the Foundation, thus underlining its constant commitment to environmental sustainability, responsible innovation and the promotion of ethical practices in the packaging industry.
"We are convinced that our work involves the commitment to constantly seek the evolution of our packaging towards sustainability. Making the economic result compatible with ethical values involves a great effort, but we believe that this is possible and right. We share the values of the Ethical Packaging Charter and we are proud to be promoters of its contents for a system culture.".
"The ethical values of transparency and fairness, combined with the passion for our work and the team spirit that multiplies the energies of those who are part of it, are the pillars on which SIT was born and grows. Being Ambassadors is the best expression of our identity."
"Participation as Ambassadors allows us to amplify our message of sustainability and responsibility in the sector, promoting solutions that meet the needs of safety and environmental protection.".
"Ucima wants to provide a contribution to the evolution of packaging while respecting the needs of the consumer, the environment and society by spreading the values of paper to associated companies and stakeholders and stimulating the adoption of ethical and sustainable practices".
If you are interested in becoming Ambassador for the Ethical Packaging Charter Foundation, and you believe to have the necessary requirements, fill in the forms below, enclose the requested documents and submit your membership application via PEC to the Board of Directors of the Foundation:
Download forms:
[ Ethical Packaging Charter
[ Bylaw
[ Membership Application
[ Letter of Commitment
[ Implementing Regulation
[ Privacy Policy
[ Contribution to join
[ Renewal Application
NB: The Foundation, in the person of the Board of Directors, will examine the application and reserve the right to notify its acceptance, if the case may be, and to issue the title of Ambassador of the Charter within 45 days of receipt of the application.