By obtaining a Bachelor degree in Packaging Engineering and/or completing the Master in Packaging and Environment Engineering, under-graduates and graduates will access countless jobs within the packaging industry.
UCSI University, with its Bachelor degree in Packaging Science and Technology, aims to provide the technical knowledge needed to work in the fields of design and creation of packaging products, as well as researching and solving recurrent issues in this industry.
The Central Philippine University, with its Bachelor degree of Science in Packaging Engineering, combines principles of science with those of engineering to deal with aspects of design, production, and preparation of the packaged product.
Kasetsart University focuses on research in the fields of agrarian sciences and offers a Bachelor degree and Master’s in Packaging Technology, integrating amidst its broad academic program scientific, artistic, engineering, economic, management and marketing studies.
Active in the University Institute of Technology of Avignon, the Bachelor degree of Technology of Packaging and Packing (PEC) setsits goal to train students in approaching the professional field, dealing with various aspects of design, development and the production of packaging.
The Master (MATESPACK) active at University of Salerno aims to enchance the abilities of professionals working in private manifacturing and in packaging industry services, as well as strenghtening their consultancy and entrepreneurial skills.
The Master in Branding and Packaging Design offered by BAU aims to provide advanced knowledge in the fields of art, graphic design, marketing and advertisement of industrial design. The teaching technique leans toward the practical aspects of learning.
Rutgers’ Bachelor degree in Packaging Engineering is based on a multidisciplinary program aimed to prepare students to enter the professional world. The Bacherlo’s is further implemented by Masters’ that allow ulterior specialization and consolidation of acquired knowledge.
The exchange program of Han University on Semiconductor Packaging lasts 9 weeks and is subdivided into 2 academic blocks that allow students to study both theoric and practical aspects necessary to develop Semiconductor Packaging.
The Bachelor degree in Industrial Technology and Packaging combines economical, technical and engineering studies. It also offers the opportunity to choose between 2 types of programs: Industrial Technology and Packaging Technology.