October 2020
Design for Responsible Innovation, a bridge between Italy and Latin America
Design for Responsible Innovation is a transversal field of study and application that embraces issues related to production, policies, tools and services for a responsible company (Research and Responsible Innovation-RRI).
The Winter School di Design for Responsible Innovation is an international project that involves the universities of Bologna, Guadalajara and Santiago del Chile with the aim of creating a joint pilot training course to provide transdisciplinary skills mediated by design.
The Winter School (WS) is attended by Design students from the Master Degree of the three partner universities and from the Bachelor Degree of the Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile and Tec de Monterry.
The pilot project has four phases:
[ Activity 1: development of the joint program and definition of criteria for evaluating the results;
[ Activity 2: definition of scientific contents on Design for Responsible Innovation;
[ Activity 3: Winter School (WS) or workshop activities (January 2021 – July 2021) at the partner universities;
[ Activity 4: reporting and subsequent programming.
The transnational dimension will offer students differentiated responses based on the contexts of intervention on issues including: gender equity, user involvement, new forms of governance, integration of ethical aspects in design practices.
The opportunity for exchange between students, researchers, companies and territories will contribute to the creation of a multi-cultural experimentation environment with the acquisition of transversal, linguistic and soft skills, favouring the development of new research, teaching and learning strategies in the strait relationship between design and responsible innovation.