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There can be no ecological transition without a circular economy. And the possibilities of avoiding a climate catastrophe, by honoring the 2050 commitments made at the UN summit in Paris in 2015, are linked to the relaunch of the circular economy on which 39% of CO2 cuts depend.

March 21, 2021



To achieve this goal it is necessary, on a global level, to double the current rate of circularity of goods from 8.6% to 17%. It is a challenge that sees Italy at the forefront: for the third consecutive year our country is in the lead in the comparison on circularity between the five main economies of the European Union (Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Poland, which with the UK’s exit from the EU is the 5th economy).
For these 5 countries, the results achieved in the areas of production, consumption, circular waste management, investments and employment in recycling, repair and reuse were analyzed. By adding up the scores of each sector, we obtain a performance index on the circular economy which in 2021 confirms Italy’s top position with 79 points, followed by France with 68, Germany and Spain with 65 and Poland with 54.
This is what emerges from the National Report on the Circular Economy in Italy 2021, now in its third edition, created by the CEN-Circular Economy Network – the network promoted by the Foundation for sustainable development together with a group of companies and business associations – in collaboration with Aeneas.