Turin Polytechnic and the Ethical Packaging Charter Foundation
Master in Eco Packaging Design-Systemic Innovation Design (https://didattica.polito.it/master/eco_packaging_design/2022/master_in_un_click)
The Ethical Packaging Charter Foundation supports the second edition of the Master in Eco Packaging Design-Systemic Innovation Design, a one-year multidisciplinary training course aimed at creating specific sectoral skills for designers of materials, structures, containers and packaging systems aimed at impacts prevention and reduction.
Scheduled in Turin at the Polytechnic from October 2021 until July 2022, registration will close onSeptember 9 . The scientific coordinators are: for the Polytechnic of Turin Paolo Marco Tamborrini (Coordinator of the Master) and the director Francesco Legrenzi for the Ethical Packaging Charter Foundation.
Language: Italian